The Water Story - Water is the driving force of all Nature
Vortex Generators and Functional Water
Water is both the environment and enabler of Life as we know it.
Water in a given state supports Life of some kind or another, from microscopic to Macroscopic. However, the life that can be supported by the state of water at the moment of use, may not be that which supports health, because the optimal stability and function of water is likewise key to life.
We think of water as having three, and recently, "four" phases, where in fact, it has many more, both within that which is known, and some that are unknown..
We used to think that Water found in Nature held unique properties that optimally enhance all Life, but after more reflection, we realize that Nature is everywhere. Water can support Life anywhere.
The question is, what Life does it support, and more specifically, what is the state of health of that Life? The answer to that question is directly related to the associated Water's motion state and consequent function.
Water supports and is of critical importance to "all life", but "all life" cannot flourish harmoniously or optimally in all water types; because Water exists in various states, not just "solid," "liquid", or "gas", but multiple states of motion, including velocity, spin, and unity of direction within the volume.

Health and Degeneration
Within the liquid state are variations in motion ~ characterized by the velocity, rotation, and spin direction.
These affect the physical, chemical and electrical properties of Water and its behaviour—consequently, the Life that can optimally exist within it or how it functions.
We tend to think of Water today in terms of "purity," "cleanliness", and "safety". We presume that health will be the consistent result of these terms and the objectives that they represent.
However, assuming this, a critical factor of Water, its functionality is overlooked.

Physics determines Water's functionality, more so than chemistry or biology; hence the cluster size/density is altered when the motion or spin state is accelerated. ~ Smaller cluster sizes mean higher density, penetrability and infiltration.
- Smaller cluster sizes mean easier and wider dispersion/distribution
- Increased Oxygen Liberation and Availability ~ The tornadic pressures and force vectors associated with every vortex of all sizes alter atomic relationships and electrical properties on every scale.
- Transpiration Reduction ~ Vortexed water has an increased absorption rate, resulting in a significant evaporation rate reduction.
- Increased Ionization ~ Vortexing results in a considerable increase in free or available electrons in the volume, thereby changing its electrochemical characteristics.
- Lower "Friction" ~ increased energy in Water created by vortex motion allows for more effortless movement, regardless of environment or application. For example, it passes with greater ease and speed through pipes, root walls, blood-brain barrier or blood cell.
- Molecular "Memory" ~ is cleared/erased.

Water is a multidimensional information carrier, holding information far over its mass. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician and founder of homeopathy, first demonstrated this property.
In recent times, French immunologist Jacques Benveniste (1935-2004). These changes in both molecular and non-molecular physics are achieved through a phenomenon of Nature called vortex events.

When Water is not "ripe," it can be characterized as "empty," "hungry," "angry", and "immature". Today we observe evidence of "weak," unruly Water in calcium and struvite buildup (scaling), corrosion, inadequate infiltration and quick evaporation. The annoyance, calamities, and needless expenses that these correctable conditions create are exacerbated by the prolonged and expanded use of filters and chemicals.
Brought to light an entire library of beautiful graphic diagrams explaining spiral motion's fundamental physics.
They show curving, with ever-increasing speed, around the edge of a center that he characterized as only, Stillness...

Within vortex phenomena are vectors of motion flows created by the velocity of the moving volume and pressure differentials that result. Its cohering and energizing influence, particularly on water volumes that had become relatively stagnant and chaotic, creates the profound physical changes noted above with utmost efficiency and speed.
The simple act of implementing vortex phenomena into Water or process flow demonstrates that a profound amount of work achieved by this fundamental natural movement.

Municipal and bore or well waters stand to show dramatic improvements due to their higher level of stagnation. Higher pressure or velocity will also produce more significant changes than lower.

This is Nature's way.
"... due to the marvellous efficiency of the heart and arteries in circulating the body's fluids and gases, the lungs and digestive system in replenishing its nutrients, and the kidneys, lungs, colon, liver and skin in excreting its wastes, the body can live in a fluid medium of only about six or seven quarts instead of the 52,535 gallons which Water would require if it were reduced to small bits and cultivated in flasks."