4" / 100mm Vortex Water Generator Agriculture / Irrigation / Industry

Sale price Price $6,750.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

4" / 100mm

Create high energy water with rain water like results from your ground water.

Perfect for Turf, Farming and all irrigations needs. The optimally balanced structured water created by the PW400 is the ultimate foundation for an overall healthy environment. 

Reduce your water consumption (on average 25%) and other inputs ie fertilisers, spray and more 

Yield increase, plants are also more drought and frost resistant. 

Higher brix values resulting in healthier more pest resistant crops.  

Improved cellular hydration for all biological life with substantially less water.

NPT or  BSP flanges available

Looking for biggers units we produce 6"/150mm to 12"/300mm units. Contact us today for a quote. 

5 Year Warranty

Made in Australia